Sunday, September 18, 2011

Setting min SDK version

Apparently setting the min sdk version is important. This is what determines if your app will run on a device or not. For example if you set the min-sdk verison to 5, it will not run on devices that have API versions less than 2.0 - for such devices the app will not even be available for downloading in the Android market.

It is suggested that you compile the app in the lowest available version that it can support. This version determines what functionality is available for the app use. For example if you want to use features that were introduced in say version 3 these features are obviously not available on lower version 1,2 - so the min sdk should be set to 3.
Android API versions are forward compatible so an app developed on version 1 will run on version 10. But while testing, please run the app with this lowest version - you can set versions in AVD.
More info about the different API levels:

Here is the current distribution of Android platform versions - updated on Sep 2 2011. Based on this, I decided to set the min-sdk level to 3 - to support 1.5 and upwards.

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